Roe II DD-418 - Histoire

Roe II DD-418 - Histoire

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Chevreuil II DD-418

Roe II(DD-418 : dp. 1620 ; 1. 348' ; n. 36'1" ; dr. 11'5" (moyenne) ; s. 35 k. ; cpl. 192 ; a. 4 5", 8 21" tt.; cl Sims)Le deuxième Roe (DD-418) a été posé le 23 avril 1938 par le Charleston Navy Yard, Charleston, SC, lancé le 21 juin 1939, parrainé par Mme Eleanor Roe Hilton, et mis en service le 5 janvier 1940 , le lieutenant-comd. R. M. Seruggs aux commandes.Après le shakedown, Roe a effectué des exercices le long de l'est et dans le Pacifique. Au printemps 1941, il est retourné sur la côte est et, pendant l'été, il est resté principalement dans la région du littoral médio-atlantique. À l'automne, elle s'est déplacée vers le nord, à Argentia, pour escorter des convois marchands entre Terre-Neuve et l'Ieeland. la mi-février est entré dans le port de New York, d'où elle a repris les courses de convoi de l'Atlantique Nord. En arrivant d'Ieeland le 3 mars, elle est restée jusqu'au milieu du mois — dans le port et en patrouille au large de cette île et dans le Détroit du Danemark. Vers la fin du mois, Roe retourna à New York. En avril, il escorta des navires jusqu'au Panama, puis passa le mois de mai dans les eaux de la Nouvelle-Angleterre. En juin, elle a accompli une autre course d'Atlantique Nord, cette fois au Royaume-Uni et en juillet elle a examiné de plus grands navires dans des opérations d'entraînement côtières et caribéennes. À la mi-août, le destroyer a de nouveau pointé sa proue vers le sud. En octobre, il a opéré entre Trinidad et les ports du Brésil, puis est retourné à Norfolk pour préparer l'opération "Torch", le débarquement en Afrique du Nord. alors qu'ils poussaient pour prendre Port Lysutey, la rivière Sebou et l'aerfield de Sale. Elle est arrivée de la zone d'assaut dans la nuit du 7 au 8 novembre, en avant du groupe principal et, avec son radar SG, a tenté de localiser le sous-marin balise, Shad. Sans suite, il fixa sa propre position par rapport aux jetées et plages de la zone de débarquement, et retourna à la force principale pour l'aider à se diriger vers la zone de transport. Pendant les débarquements tôt le matin, il a agi comme destroyer de contrôle au large des plages Bleue et Jaune, puis s'est déplacé vers des fonctions d'appui-feu. Peu de temps après le lever du soleil, elle a aidé Savannah (CL-42) à faire taire temporairement les tirs hostiles de la Kasba, une ancienne citadelle située sur un eliff commandant l'embouchure du Sebou. soutenir et protéger les plus gros navires. Elle a ensuite tourné vers l'ouest, arrivant à Hampton Roads le 26. Au cours de l'hiver et du printemps suivant 1943, le Roe effectua à nouveau un travail d'escorte avec des pétroliers vers les ports pétroliers du Golfe et des Caraïbes et des convois de ravitaillement et de renfort vers Casablanca. Le 10 juin, elle a quitté New York pour la Méditerranée et son deuxième assaut, l'opération "Husky", l'invasion de la Sicile. Arrivée à Oran vers la fin du mois, elle a continué vers Bizerte, d'où elle a fumé au nord avec le "Joss " force pour Lieata le 8 juillet. Le 9, il prend position dans la zone d'appui-feu au large de la plage Rouge, près de la Torre de Gaffe. Tôt le 10, elle et Swanson (DD-443) se sont dirigées vers Porto Empedoele, une base italienne de vedettes lance-torpilles gardée par un champ de mines à 24 milles à l'ouest de Licata, pour enquêter sur les petits pépins qui s'étaient enregistrés sur leurs écrans radar. Alors que les deux destroyers se préparaient à ouvrir le feu sur les bateaux « ennemis », Roe fit une embardée pour éviter le champ de mines et, en même temps, tomba à l'arrière de Swanson. Sa vitesse, cependant, dépassait celle de Swanson et, juste avant 3 h 00, Roe a heurté Swanson à angle droit sur le côté bâbord, cisaillant une partie de sa propre proue et provoquant l'inondation de la caserne de Swanson. Les deux navires sont morts dans l'eau. Heureusement, à 5 h 00, les deux étaient mobiles. À mesure que la lumière du jour augmentait, la Luftwaffe a tenté de terminer les navires endommagés. Les destroyers se sont défendus et ont abattu un Ju. 88 avec 13 coups de feu de 5 pouces à fusion d'influence de proximité pour prouver la valeur du nouveau fusible dans les combats antiaériens. Après des réparations temporaires à Oran, Roe est retourné à New York pour des réparations permanentes. À la mi-septembre, elle a repris le devoir de convoi transatlantique et a accompli deux courses en Afrique du Nord avant la fin de l'année. Avec la nouvelle année, 1944, Roe a été transféré au Pacifique. En partant de New York le 26 janvier, elle a transité par le Canal de Panama et a traversé le Pacifique pour se présenter à la CTF 76 au Cap-Sud le 12 mars. De là, et d'autres ports et ancrages de Nouvelle-Guinée, il a escorté les navires de la 7e force Phib transportant les troupes alliées le long de la côte et à travers les îles voisines, et a fourni un appui-feu dans les zones cibles. Du 16 au 21 mars, elle a soutenu des opérations sur Manus. Au début d'avril, elle a transporté le personnel militaire de Manus à Rambutyo, s'est préparée alors pour les débarquements à la Baie de Humboldt, qu'elle a soutenue le 22 avril. À la mi-mai, elle assiste l'offensive dans la région de Toem-Wadke ; puis, à la fin du mois, projeté des LST à Biak. Le devoir d'appui-feu et l'escorte de renforts et de fournitures à Biak se sont poursuivis jusqu'en juin. Le 29, elle a fourni un appui-feu aux unités de l'armée combattant au nord-est de la rivière Driniumor. Puis, en juillet, le destroyer s'est déplacé vers Noemfoor pour effectuer un bombardement avant l'atterrissage et pour fournir un feu de soutien après l'atterrissage. Soulagé au milieu du mois, le Roe a quitté l'Amirauté et a navigué vers Majuro, où il a rejoint la 5e Flotte. Pendant les 6 semaines suivantes, il a servi de navire de sauvetage aérien dans les zones au large de Maloelap, Wotje, Mili et Jaluit. Les fonctions de patrouille, de piquetage et d'escorte l'ont ensuite maintenue entre et parmi les Marshalls et les Mariannes, principalement ces derniers, jusqu'au début décembre, date à laquelle elle a rejoint le TG 94.9 pour un bombardement d'Iwo Jima. Terminant la mission le 8, la force est retournée à Saipan , d'où Roe a mené deux missions de recherche et de sauvetage et une course de miséricorde, transportant un médecin vers un convoi à destination de Saipan, avant de partir pour d'autres frappes contre Iwo Jima les 24 et 27. Le 24, Roe coula un petit chalutier et, avec le Case (DD-370), envoya au fond un autre navire, qui aurait été un destroyer converti pour un service de transport rapide. Le 27, elle a détruit plusieurs petites embarcations et endommagé des bâtiments et des installations antiaériennes dans et à proximité du bassin maritime ouest de l'île. Une autre grève sur les îles Voleano et Bonin au cours de la première semaine de janvier 1945, a été suivie par la disponibilité à Ulithi et la reprise de la patrouille et le travail d'escorte de Guam. À la fin d'avril, il est retourné dans la région de Voleano-Bonin pour des opérations de piquetage au radar et de recherche et de sauvetage lors de frappes aériennes contre les îles japonaises. À la fin de mai elle a repris des opérations dans les Mariannes et en juin elle a reçu des ordres à la côte ouest. Roe est arrivé dans la Baie de San Francisco le 29 juillet et subissait une révision de yard quand la guerre a fini, le 14 août. Alors désigné pour l'inactivation, le Roe a été désarmé le 30 octobre 1945 et a été rayé de la liste de la Marine le 16 novembre. Elle a été vendue en août 1947. Roe (DD-418) a obtenu six étoiles de bataille pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale.

Roe II DD-418 - Histoire

Documents (1941-1944) comprenant de la correspondance, un manuel de l'école de pilotage naval, des souvenirs et des photographies.

Informations biographiques/historiques

Gordon W. Hooper était un recruteur de la marine américaine et a travaillé principalement dans le nord-est des États-Unis pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale.

Portée et disposition

La collection contient un manuel de l'école de pilotage de la marine américaine qui traite principalement du recrutement et de la formation des officiers de la marine et du personnel de la Réserve navale dans les domaines de l'aéronautique, de l'aviation, du service sélectionné, du sauvetage, des études supérieures et du corps d'approvisionnement. Le manuel contient également des informations relatives à de nombreux navires et sous-marins de la marine américaine, y compris leur législation sur la dénomination, la mise en service, le parrainage et le dévouement concernant les finances de la marine américaine et le transfert du personnel à la retraite et de réserve.

Les documents concernant des navires spécifiques comprennent un compte rendu du naufrage d'un chalutier et destroyer japonais par le destroyer USS ROE (DD-418) près d'Iwo Jima le cinquième anniversaire de l'histoire (1944) du destroyer USS LANG (DD-399) une liste des opérations le LANG a participé pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale à un menu de Thanksgiving 1944 pour le LANG qui comprend une liste d'officiers et d'équipage, une invitation et un menu pour la mise en service de l'USS SWEARER (1943) et divers articles photocopiés.

Des photographies du destroyer USS J. FRED TALBOTT (DD-156) et du cuirassé USS TEXAS (BB-35) sont incluses.

Informations administratives
Historique de la conservation

9 septembre 1993, 1 article Manuel de l'école de pilotage naval de la Seconde Guerre mondiale.

25 mai 1994 , 13 articles USS LANG (DD-399) historique du navire et programme de menu, photographies de l'USS TEXAS et de l'USS TALBOTT, et divers. Don de Mme Helen Hooper, Leviltown, NY.

USS Roe DD-418 (1940-1947)

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Lecture recommandée

Pourquoi moins de femmes américaines se font-elles avorter ?

Le vrai problème de la mondialisation

Comment tenir Trump pour responsable

Sans connaître cette histoire, affirme Williams, il est difficile de comprendre pourquoi les opinions pro-vie ont eu un tel pouvoir dans la politique américaine, même si l'opinion publique sur d'autres questions sociales, telles que les droits des LGBT et l'utilisation du contrôle des naissances, a progressivement changé pour devenir plus permissif. L'avortement, dit-il, a une histoire différente. Ses premiers opposants pensaient qu'il était de leur devoir, et du devoir de leur gouvernement, de protéger les enfants à naître aux côtés des pauvres et des faibles. Ils croyaient que leur position offrait aux femmes l'autonomisation, pas l'oppression.

Plus important encore, cette histoire montre à quel point le débat sur l'avortement est devenu tordu, alors que le corps des femmes et l'avenir des enfants ont été transformés en terrain d'essai rhétorique pour les politiciens de gauche et de droite. Aujourd'hui, les démocrates pro-vie sont presque éteints, et les républicains ouvertement pro-choix se rendent rarement sur une scène nationale comme la course présidentielle de cette année. Il y a cinquante ans, ce n'était pas le cas. Qu'est-il arrivé aux pro-vie progressistes américains?

Si les premiers défenseurs de la légalisation de l'avortement en Amérique étaient des médecins, leurs adversaires les plus virulents étaient leurs collègues catholiques. À la fin du XIXe siècle, presque tous les États avaient interdit l'avortement, sauf dans les cas où la vie de la mère était menacée. Comme l'écrit Williams, « Les journaux du pays tenaient pour acquis que l'avortement était une activité dangereuse et immorale, et que ceux qui pratiquaient des avortements étaient des criminels. Mais dans les années 1930, quelques médecins ont commencé à réclamer des interdictions d'avortement moins sévères – principalement des « juifs libéraux ou laïcs qui croyaient que les tentatives catholiques d'utiliser le droit public pour faire respecter les propres normes de l'Église en matière de moralité sexuelle violaient la liberté personnelle des gens », selon Williams. En 1937, la Fédération nationale des guildes des médecins catholiques a publié une déclaration condamnant ces partisans de l'avortement, qui, disaient-ils, « feraient du médecin le fossoyeur de la nation ». Bien que certains protestants aient été impliqués dans les premiers efforts visant à interdire les avortements précoces, au cours de ces premières années, la résistance était majoritairement menée par les catholiques.

Certains hôpitaux ont interprété les lois sur l'avortement de manière vague, se fiant aux psychiatres pour certifier qu'une femme pourrait être à risque de suicide si elle était forcée de mener sa grossesse à terme. Mais même certains des médecins qui ont pratiqué ces procédures et prôné la libéralisation de la loi sur l'avortement, comme Alan Guttmacher, un gynécologue new-yorkais qui a dirigé Planned Parenthood dans les années 1960 et qui est l'homonyme de l'une des organisations de défense du choix les plus importantes d'aujourd'hui. – s'est privé d'un soutien total à la procédure, espérant que le contrôle des naissances éliminerait son besoin. "Je n'aime pas tuer", a déclaré Guttmacher, mais il pensait que l'avortement était justifié s'il préservait la vie d'une mère.

Pendant ce temps, une poignée de tribunaux s'occupaient d'un autre aspect du débat : si l'avortement était une violation des droits de l'homme. De 1939 à 1958, cinq cours suprêmes d'État et le tribunal de district américain de D.C. ont rendu des décisions reconnaissant la personnalité fœtale. Ces décisions étaient conformes aux convictions des catholiques théologiquement conservateurs, qui croyaient que la vie commence à la conception, et ce groupe peut très bien avoir influencé les décisions. Comme Guttmacher l'a écrit en 1963, « L'Église catholique est si bien mobilisée et représente un pourcentage si important de la population que changer la loi de n'importe quel État du nord-est des États-Unis est une impossibilité virtuelle, au moins pour les prochaines décennies. »

Mais bien que ces catholiques aient pu être théologiquement conservateurs, la plupart d'entre eux n'étaient pas ce que la plupart des Américains considéreraient comme politiquement conservateurs, que ce soit selon les normes du milieu du siècle ou contemporaines. "Il y avait des conservateurs politiques qui ont participé au premier mouvement, mais pour la plupart, la rhétorique publique du mouvement avait tendance à être fondée sur le libéralisme vu à travers une lentille catholique du milieu du 20e siècle", a déclaré Williams. "C'est le New Deal, le libéralisme de la Grande Société."

Pour la plupart des catholiques américains du milieu du siècle, s'opposer à l'avortement suivait la même logique que soutenir les programmes sociaux pour les pauvres et créer un salaire décent pour les travailleurs. Les enseignements sociaux catholiques, décrits dans des documents tels que l'encyclique du XIXe siècle Rerum novarum, a fait valoir que toute vie doit être préservée, de la conception à la mort, et que l'État a l'obligation de soutenir cette cause. « Ils croyaient en une assurance maladie prénatale élargie et en une assurance qui offrirait également des avantages aux femmes qui ont donné naissance à des enfants handicapés », a déclaré Williams. Ils voulaient un processus d'adoption simplifié, une aide pour les femmes pauvres et des garderies financées par le gouvernement fédéral. Bien que les catholiques voulaient que l'avortement soit interdit, ils voulaient également que l'État soutienne les femmes et les familles pauvres.

D'autres progressistes, cependant, ont adopté une approche plus calculatrice de la pauvreté et de la planification familiale. Certains partisans du New Deal pensaient que le contrôle des naissances pourrait être utilisé pour mettre en œuvre la politique gouvernementale – un moyen de réduire le nombre de personnes vivant dans la pauvreté et, en fin de compte, d'économiser de l'argent de l'État, a déclaré Williams. Plus tard, alors que la technologie facilitait la détection des malformations fœtales, les partisans de l'avortement ont souvent fait valoir que les femmes devraient avoir la possibilité d'interrompre leur grossesse si les médecins voyaient des irrégularités. "C'était une croyance répandue parmi les défenseurs de la libéralisation de l'avortement … que la société se porterait mieux si moins de bébés gravement déformés naissaient", a déclaré Williams. Les catholiques qui se sont opposés à l'avortement "ont vu cela comme une perspective très utilitaire", a-t-il déclaré. "Si vous pensiez que le fœtus était un être humain, cette vie serait détruite pour la qualité de vie de quelqu'un d'autre, et ils considéraient cela comme une façon de penser très dangereuse."

Parfois, il y avait une composante raciale sombre dans la rhétorique pro-avortement et contrôle des naissances. Au début du 20e siècle, par exemple, « il y avait un soutien substantiel dans certaines régions du pays pour l'utilisation eugénique du contrôle des naissances pour limiter les capacités de reproduction des femmes pauvres, sexuellement libertines ou handicapées mentales, en particulier celles qui étaient afro-américaines, ” Williams écrit dans son livre. Des décennies plus tard, alors que les dépenses d'aide publique montaient en flèche dans les années 1960, un nouveau type de racisme est entré dans le débat sur l'avortement. "De nombreux Blancs ont stéréotypé les bénéficiaires de l'aide sociale comme des femmes afro-américaines célibataires qui étaient tombées enceintes hors mariage et" élevaient des enfants comme culture de rente ", comme l'a dit le gouverneur de l'Alabama, George Wallace", écrit William. "Wallace a finalement pris une position ferme contre l'avortement, mais comme certains de ses collègues conservateurs", il a été l'un des premiers partisans de la légalisation.

Les années 60 ont vu la première vague sérieuse de propositions de légalisation de l'avortement dans les maisons d'État, à commencer par la législation en Californie. Les groupes catholiques se sont mobilisés contre ces efforts avec un succès mitigé, se heurtant à plusieurs reprises à quelques obstacles majeurs. D'une part, le « mouvement » n'était pas encore vraiment un mouvement : les opposants à l'avortement n'ont pas qualifié leurs croyances de « droit à la vie » ou de « pro-vie » jusqu'à ce que le cardinal James McIntyre ne lance la Ligue pour le droit à la vie en 1966. Après cela, les militants anti-avortement ont commencé à s'organiser. Mais parce que les catholiques avaient mené les efforts de l'opposition pendant si longtemps, l'avortement était également devenu une sorte de « problème catholique », aliénant les alliés protestants potentiels – et les électeurs. « Les Afro-Américains faisaient partie du groupe démographique le plus susceptible de s'opposer à l'avortement. En fait, l'opposition à l'avortement était plus forte chez les protestants afro-américains que chez les catholiques blancs », écrit Williams. « Mais les organisations pro-vie avaient peu de liens avec les institutions noires – en particulier les églises noires – et elles étaient beaucoup trop catholiques et trop blanches pour plaire à la plupart des protestants afro-américains. »

Le clergé catholique a discrètement commencé à créer des organisations au niveau de l'État, en semant le financement initial, mais en se retirant pour laisser les dirigeants protestants assumer des rôles de leadership. Beaucoup ont également moins souligné leur opposition au contrôle des naissances. « Ils ont accepté comme chefs de file de leur mouvement des chrétiens majoritaires qui défendaient la contraception », a déclaré Williams. Et « ils ont essayé de fournir des ressources aux femmes qui étaient tombées enceintes hors mariage – ils voulaient réduire la stigmatisation ».

Les premières grandes pertes pour le mouvement pro-vie se sont produites en 1970. Hawaï, l'Alaska et New York sont devenus les premiers États à légaliser l'avortement électif, n'obligeant plus les médecins à effectuer la procédure uniquement lorsque la vie d'une femme était en danger. Bien qu'Hawaï n'ait autorisé que les résidents à demander la procédure, New York n'a pas établi la même exigence. "Au cours des quinze premiers mois après que New York a légalisé l'avortement électif, les médecins de l'État ont pratiqué 200 000 avortements", écrit Williams, "dont au moins 60 % pour des non-résidents".

De nombreux pro-vie ont réagi avec horreur. Pendant longtemps, de nombreux catholiques avaient été « réticents à s'engager dans une discussion détaillée sur une question qui violait leur sens de la modestie et de la bienséance », écrit Williams. Après les défaites législatives des années 1970, leurs tactiques ont changé. Les brochures sont devenues plus graphiques. Les défenseurs ravis de la photographie fœtale, ils pensaient que voir les caractéristiques d'un fœtus ressemblant à un nourrisson suffirait à convaincre n'importe quel Américain de sa personnalité. Alors que les journaux penchaient en faveur des efforts de légalisation, les pro-vie ont intensifié leurs efforts pour distribuer ces photos. "En diffusant ces images choquantes", a écrit Williams, ils ont affirmé "qu'ils disaient simplement la vérité sur un sujet que les médias refusaient de couvrir".

Alors que de plus en plus d'États débattaient des lois libéralisées sur l'avortement au début des années 70, le mouvement pro-vie a finalement trouvé son élan. Bien qu'ils aient subi un certain nombre de défaites législatives, il y avait aussi des victoires - en 1972, par exemple, les défenseurs du droit à la vie ont organisé avec succès les électeurs du Michigan et du Dakota du Nord contre les référendums visant à légaliser l'avortement. Les personnes impliquées dans le mouvement étaient plus diverses que jamais, y compris des pacifistes anti-guerre, des étudiants et, surtout, de nombreuses femmes. Il semblait que peut-être, juste peut-être, la poussée pour la légalisation de l'avortement pourrait être arrêtée.

En 1973, tout a changé. Dans Roe contre Wade et une décision d'accompagnement, Doe c. Bolton, la Cour suprême des États-Unis a statué que les femmes ont le droit constitutionnel de se faire avorter, mis en balance avec l'obligation de l'État de protéger la santé des femmes et leurs vies humaines potentielles. Soudain, être pro-vie signifiait s'opposer à l'intervention de l'État dans les affaires familiales, ou à tout le moins, à l'ingérence du tribunal dans les droits des citoyens à déterminer quelles devraient être les lois de leur État. Ronald Reagan, qui a déjà signé l'une des premières lois du pays sur la libéralisation de l'avortement en tant que gouverneur de Californie, a officiellement soutenu les « objectifs » d'un amendement sur la vie humaine, qui modifierait la Constitution pour interdire l'avortement. De nouveaux dirigeants ont repris la cause pro-vie, y compris la majorité morale de Jerry Falwell, qui « reliait le problème à une multitude d'autres causes politiquement conservatrices, telles que des campagnes pour rétablir la prière dans les écoles, arrêter les avancées du mouvement des droits des homosexuels et même défendre contre la propagation du communisme international par l'accumulation d'armes nucléaires », écrit Williams. Les avocats se sont tournés vers la Cour suprême et la recherche de juges qui renverseraient Chevreuil. Et ces dernières années, un nombre important de législatures des États ont imposé des restrictions progressives à l'avortement, ce qui rend plus difficile le fonctionnement des cliniques et l'obtention de la procédure pour les femmes.

L'avortement est également devenu un débat presque exclusivement sur le genre et la sexualité, et en grande partie un débat entre femmes. Pendant des décennies, les hommes ont mené des efforts de plaidoyer pro et anti-avortement, les femmes ont été réduites au silence par défaut, largement absentes de la politique et de la médecine, ou elles ont été activement exclues du mouvement d'opposition par le clergé catholique. Dans les années 1970, cela a changé. « Le débat sur l'avortement était un conflit sur le genre, même si la plupart des pro-vie de la fin des années 1960 et du début des années 1970 avaient été lents à reconnaître ce fait », écrit Williams. "Ce n'était pas un conflit d'hommes contre des femmes, comme le croyaient certains pro-choix, c'était un débat entre deux groupes de femmes différents."

Lire les notes de suivi

Du côté des pro-choix, les partisans de l'avortement pensaient qu'ils ne défendaient pas seulement le droit des femmes à contrôler leur corps – « ils donnaient aux femmes [pauvres] les outils dont elles avaient besoin pour limiter volontairement la taille de leur famille ». Mais certains opposants se sont également identifiés comme des « féministes pro-vie », estimant que l'avortement donnait aux hommes une excuse pour traiter les femmes comme des objets sexuels. Comme l'écrit Williams, ils pensaient que «les droits des femmes ne seraient respectés que lorsque leurs rôles de dispensatrices de vie et de mères seraient pleinement honorés».

Au fur et à mesure que de plus en plus d'évangéliques ont rejoint le mouvement dans les années qui ont suivi Chevreuil, les membres du mouvement pro-vie se sont davantage concentrés sur le conservatisme sexuel, associant leur opposition à l'avortement à une position générale contre les mœurs de la révolution sexuelle. Depuis les années Falwell, l'avortement n'était qu'un problème parmi une série de problèmes conservateurs, solidifiant l'alliance du mouvement pro-vie avec le Parti républicain. Mais, comme le souligne Williams, le Parti républicain n'a jamais été un foyer entièrement confortable pour les idéaux de justice sociale de ceux qui ont lancé le mouvement. « Les républicains avaient peu soutenu la cause pro-vie avant Chevreuil", écrit-il, et le parti " n'a accordé que peu d'attention à la réduction de la pauvreté, aux dispositions d'aide sociale ou aux autres causes qui avaient intéressé les dirigeants pro-vie d'une génération précédente ". Pourtant, dans un monde démocrate fortement influencé par des organisations telles que Emily's List et NARAL, il est devenu de plus en plus difficile pour les politiciens de gauche d'adopter une position résolument pro-vie. Comme me l'a dit le leader baptiste du Sud, Russell Moore, dans une interview l'année dernière : « J'aimerais que nous soyons dans une situation où nous avons deux [partis] pro-vie. J'ai commencé ma carrière en travaillant pour un membre du Congrès démocrate pro-vie, et il était pro-vie, pro-famille. Ce monde n'existe plus.

Mục lục

Chevreuil được đặt lườn tại Xưởng hải quân Charleston vào ngày 23 tháng 4 năm 1938. Nó được hạ thủy vào ngày 21 tháng 6 năm 1939 được đỡ đầu bởi bà Eleanor Chevreuil Hilton và nhập biên chế cùng Hải quân Mỹ vào ngày 5 tháng 1 năm 1940 dưới quyền chỉ huy của Hạm trưởng, Thiếu tá Hải quân R. M. Scruggs.

Trc chiến tranh Sửa đổi

Sau khi hoàn tất chạy thử mai, Chevreuil tiến hành huấn luyện thực tập dọc theo vùng bờ Đông Hoa Kỳ và tại Thái Bình Dương. Và mùa Xuân năm 1941, nó quay trở lại vùng bờ Đông và trong mùa Hè đã hoạt động chủ yếu tại khu vực giữa Đại Tây Dương. Sang mùa Thu, nó di chuyển gần lên phía Bắc, đến Căn cứ Hải quân Argentia, để hộ tống các đoàn tàu buôn đi lại giữa Terre-Neuve và Islande.

Thế Chiến II Sửa đổi

I Tây Dương Sửa đổi

Sau khi Nhật Bản bất ngờ Tấn công Trân Châu Cảng vào ngày 7 tháng 12 năm 1941, Chevreuil hướng về phía Nam vào tháng 1 năm 1942, tuần tra các lối tiếp cận quần o Bermudes và n Norfolk, Virginie. Vào giữa tháng 2, nó đi đến New York tiếp nối các chuyến hộ tống vận tải vượt Bắc Đại Tây Dương. Đi đến ngoài khơi Islande vào ngày 3 tháng 3, nó tiếp tục ở lại cho đến giữa tháng, tuần tra ngoài khơi hòn o và tại eo biển Đan Mạch. Đến cuối tháng, nó quay trở về New York và sang tháng 4, nó hộ tống tàu bè đi Panama, trải qua tháng 5 tại vùng biển New England. Trong tháng 6, nó hoàn tất một chuyến đi khác vượt Đại Tây Dương, lần này n tận quần đảo Anh, và trong tháng 7, nó hộ tống các tàuong chiến cạnnn . Vào giữa tháng 8, chiếc tàu khu trục đi về phía Nam, và cho đến tháng 10 đã hoạt động giữa Trinidad và các cảng thuộc Brésil, rồi day về Norfolk cuịng chuẩnịn b, Minh lên Bắc Phi.

c phân về lực lượng tấn công phía Bắc, Chevreuil hộ tống các tàu vận chuyển đi đến Mehedia, rồi bắn pháo hỗ trợ cho lực lượng trên bờ khi họ tiến quân để chiếm Port Lyautey trên sông Sebou và sân bay. Nó dẫn trước lực lượng chính i đến khu vực tấn công trong đêm 7-8 tháng 11, dùng radar SG để cố tìm kiếm chiếc tàu ngầm Alose làm nhiệm vụ cột mốc. Không tìm thấy chiếc tàu ngầm, nó tự xác định vị trí tương i của mình nhờ đê chắn sóng và các bãi tại khu vực đổ bộ. Trong cuộc đổ bộ vào sáng hôm sau, nó hoạt động như tàu kiểm soát vận tải tại các bãi Blue và Yellow, rồi chuyển sang nhiệm vụ bắn pháo hỗ trợ. Trong buổi sáng hôm đó, nó cùng tàu tuần dương hạng nhẹ Savane áp đảo các khẩu i pháo đối phương tại Kasba, một pháo đài cổ nằm trên vách núi kiểm soát khu vực cửa sông Sebou.

Cho đến ngày 15 tháng 11, Chevreuil tiếp tục lại khu vực tấn công bắn pháo hỗ trợ, và sau ó hộ tống cho các tàu chiến lớn. Nó sau đó lên đường quay trở về nhà, về đến Hampton Roads, Virginie vào ngày 26 tháng 11. Trong mùa Đông và mùa Xuân tiếp theo 1943, nó làm nhiệm vụ hộ l tống bi Caribe, cũng như các đoàn tàu vận tải chuyển tiếp liệu và lực lượng tăng viện a chanté Casablanca. Vào ngày 10 tháng 6, nó rời New York để đi a chanté Địa Trung Hải cho chiến dịch Đổ bộ lên Sicile.

i đến Oran vào cuối tháng 6, Chevreuil tiếp tục đi đến Bizerte, nơi nó khởi hành đi lên phía Bắc, đi đến Licata vào ngày 8 tháng 7. Sang ngày hôm sau, nó chiếm vị trí bắn bi pháo haffe trã. Sáng sớm ngày 10 tháng 7, nó cùng Swanson di chuyển về phía Porto Empedocle, một căn cứ tàu phóng lôi được bảo vệ bởi một bãi mìn cách 24 dặm (39 km) về phía Tây Licata để xác minh một mục tiêu hiện Trong khi cả hai con tàu sẵn sàng nổ súng vào tàu "đối phương", Chevreuil cơ động để tránh bãi mìn nên i vào phía sau của Swanson. Tuy nhiên, tốc độ của nó lại nhanh hơn Swanson, nên ngay trước 03 giờ 00, Chevreuil âm trúng trực diện Swanson bên mạn trái, khiến nó bị mất một phần mũi tàu và khiến Swanson par ngập nước phòng nồi hơi. Cả hai con tàu bị chết đứng giữa biển, nhưng đến 05 giờ 00 cả hai lại có thể di chuyển được.

Sáng hôm đó, may bay của Không quân Đức tìm cách kết liễu hai con tàu bị hư hại. Chevreuil Virginie Swanson chống trả tự vệ, bắn rơi một may bay ném bom Junkers Ju 88 bằng n pháo 5 pouces với kíp nổ tiếp cận, chứng tỏ giá trị của loại kíp nổ kiểu mới trong vikh phông. Sau khi được sửa chữa tạm thời tại Oran, Chevreuil Quay trở về New York et c sửa chữa triệt để. Dans giữa tháng 9, nó tiếp nối hoạt động hộ tống vận tải vượt Đại Tây Dương, thực hiện hai chuyến khứ hồi n Bắc Phi trước cuối năm đó.

Mặt trận Thái Bình Dương Sửa đổi

Sang u năm mới 1944, Chevreuil được điều động a chanté Mặt trận Thái Bình Dương. Nó rời New York vào ngày 26 tháng 1, băng qua kênh đào Panama, và trình diện để hoạt động cùng Tư lệnh Lực lượng Đặc nhiệm 76 tại mũi Sudest vào ngày cùng 12 cá ngốc Guineanh Guinée tàu đổ bộ thuộc Đệ Thất hạm đội vận chuyển binh lính Đồng Minh tiến dọc theo bờ biển và các đảo lân cận, bắn pháo hỗ trợ xuống các khu vực. mục tiê Từ ngày 16 đến ngày 21 tháng 3, nó hỗ trợ các hoạt động tại đảo Manus. Sang đầu tháng 4, nó vận chuyển binh lính Lục quân từ Manus đến o Rambutyo, rồi chuẩn bị cho việc đổ bộ lên vịnh Humboldt, nơi nó hỗ trợ vào nggàn 4. cho binh lính Lục quân đang chiến u về phía Tây Bắc sông Driniumor. n giữa tháng 5, nó giúp cho việc tấn công tại khu vực Toem-Wakde rồi vào cuối tháng đã hỗ trợ cho các tàu đổ bộ LST tại Biak. Các nhiệm vụ bắn pháo hỗ trợ và hộ tống vận tải tiếp liệu và tăng cường n Biak được tiếp tục cho n tháng 6, rồi trong tháng n n 7, chiếc tà chu khu trợ sau khi diễn ra cuộc bộ tại đây.

c thay phiên vào giữa tháng, Chevreuil rời khu vực quần đảo Admiralty để đi n Majuro, nơi nó gia nhập Ngũ hạm đội. Trong sáu tuần lễ tiếp theo sau, nó phục vụ như tàu cứu hộ máy bay tại khu vực ngoài khơi Maloelap, Wotje, Mili và Jaluit. Các nhiệm vụ tuần tra, canh phòng và hộ tống tại các khu vực quần o Marshall và Mariana, chủ yếu là tại Mariana, kéo dài cho đến u tháng 12, khi nó gia nhập ncho Đội mộ 9 . Hoàn thành nhiệm vụ vào ngày 8 tháng 12, lực lượng rút lui về Saipan, nơi nó thực hiện hai nhiệm vụ tìm kiếm giải cứu và đưa một bác sĩ sang một đoàn tàu hướng đến Saipan, trước khi lại lên đường bắn phá Iwo Jima vào các ngày 24 và 27 tháng 12. Trong ngày 24 tháng 12, nó đánh chìm một tàu đánh cá, và cùng với Cas đánh chìm một chiếc khác, được tin là một tàu khu trục nhỏ được cải biến thành tàu vận chuyển cao tốc. Sang ngày 27 tháng 12, nó tiêu diệt nhiều tàu nhỏ, phá hủy nhà cửa và các công sự phòng không ở phía Tây hòn đảo.

Một đợt tấn công khác xuống các quần đảo Volcano và Bonin diễn ra vào tuần đầu của tháng 1 năm 1945, tiếp nối bởi một đợt nghỉ ngơi tại Ulithi trước khi tiếp nối hoạt động tuần tra và hộ tống từ Guam. Vào cuối tháng 4, nó quay trở lại khu vực Volcano-Bonin làm nhiệm vụ cột mốc radar và tìm kiếm giải cứu trong các hoạt động không kích xuống các đảo chính quốc Nhật Bản. Đến cuối tháng 5, nó quay trở lại hoạt động tại khu vực Mariana, và sang tháng 6, nó được lệnh quay trở về vùng bờ Tây. Chiếc tàu khu trục về đến vịnh San Francisco vào ngày 29 tháng 7, và đang trải qua một đợt đại tu khi chiến tranh kết thúc vào ngày 14 tháng 8. Chevreuil được cho xuất biên chế vào ngày 30 tháng 10 năm 1945 tên nó được cho rút khỏi danh sách Đăng bạ Hải quân vào ngày 16 tháng 11, và nó bị bán để tháo dỡ vào tháng 8 năm 1947.

Chevreuil được tặng thưởng sáu Ngôi sao Chiến trận do thành tích phục vụ trong Thế Chiến II.

Roe II DD-418 - History

History of USS HULL (DD-350)

Recommended reading for additional DD-350 history

Down to the Sea: An Epic Story of Naval Disaster and Heroism in World War II

(click picture to view cover)

(click picture to view)

Newsweek Battle Baby compliments of Pat Douhan SOM2 DD-350

All DD-350 pages compliments of Dave Vrooman EM3 '60 - '62

USS coque (DD-350), the third of the Farraguts, was the first to be built by a government shipyard. The new destroyer was assigned to the New York Navy Yard for construction. coque was named for Captain Isaac Hull, skipper of USS Constitution in her epic battle with the British frigate Guerriere during the War of 1812. She was the fourth United States vessel and the third destroyer to bear the name. Le destructeur coque was laid down 7 March 1933 launched 31 January 1934, sponsored by Miss Patricia Louise Platt and commissioned 11 January 1935, with Commander R. S. Wentworth commanding.

Like her two sisters following a shakedown cruise, which took her to the Azores, Portugal, and the British Isles, coque was assigned to the Pacific Fleet. She arrived in San Diego via the Panama Canal 19 October 1935. She began her operations with the Pacific Fleet off San Diego, engaging in tactical exercises and training. The new destroyer maneuvered with the Pacific Fleet for more than five years. , coque was assigned to the Pacific Fleet. She arrived in San Diego via the Panama Canal 19 October 1935. She began her operations with the Pacific Fleet off San Diego, engaging in tactical exercises and training. The new destroyer maneuvered with the Pacific Fleet for more than five years.

During the summer of 1936, she cruised to Alaska. In April 1937 she took part in fleet exercises in Hawaiian waters, ultimately calling Pearl Harbor her homeport when the fleet transferred from the mainland to the advanced anchorage on 12 October 1939. During this increasingly tense pre-war period, coque often acted as plane guard to the Navy's Pacific carriers during the perfection of tactics, which would be a central factor in America's victory in World War II. She continued these operations until the outbreak of the war.

The pattern of fleet problems, plane guard duty and patrolling was rudely interrupted 7 December 1941 when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and other Hawaiian Military facilities. coque was alongside tender USS Dobbin (AD-3) undergoing repairs, but quickly put her anti-aircraft batteries into operation. Her antiaircraft battery chased off several attackers and assisted in splashing others. As the main object of the raid was battleships, the destroyer suffered no hits and with the end of the attack came extraordinary efforts to raise steam. Scant hours later, she was able to sortie from Pearl to escort USS Entreprise (CV-6) back to the still-smoking port. During the next critical months of the war, coque operated with Admiral Wilson Brown's Task Force 11, screening USS Lexington (CV-2) in important strikes on Japanese bases in the Solomons. Her return to Pearl Harbor 26 March meant 3 months of convoy duty in the submarine threatened waters between Hawaii, and the West Coast of the United States.

Coque was soon back in the thick of combat however. She sailed, on the first anniversary of the Pearl Harbor attack, for Suvu, Fiji Islands, to prepare for America's first offensive land thrust, the amphibious assault on Guadalcanal. In company with her sisters, she departed 26 July for the Solomons, and on the day of the landings, 7 August 1942, she fought off enemy air attacks, screened cruisers during shore bombardment, and then took up station as antisubmarine protection for the transports. Next day she helped repel strong enemy bombing attacks, shooting down several of the attackers, and that evening performed the sad duty of sinking transport USS George F. Elliott(AP-13), burning beyond control, the transport's wounds proved too severe for damage control forces. On 9 August, the destroyer sank a small schooner off Guadalcanal, departing that evening for Espiritu Santo. During the difficult weeks on Guadalcanal, coque made three voyages with transports and warships in support of the troops, undergoing air attacks 9 and 14 September. For the next two years, Imperial Japanese forces felt the presence of the far-ranging destroyer from the Aleutians to the Southern Pacific. DD-350 supported swift strikes against enemy held islands in the Central Pacific, sometimes as a diversion to the true invasion targets, sometimes as a prelude to full-scale landings.

The ship returned to Pearl Harbor 20 October, and spent the remainder of the year with battleship Colorado (BB-45) in the New Hebrides. She sailed 29 January from Pearl Harbor bound for repairs at San Francisco, arriving 7 February 1943. Upon completion, she moved to the bleak Aleutians, arriving Adak 16 April, and began a series of training maneuvers with battleships and cruisers in the northern waters. As the Navy moved in to retake Attu in May, coque continued her patrol duties, and during July and early August, she took part in numerous bombardments of Kiska Island. The ship also took part in the landings on Kiska 15 August, only to find that the Japanese had evacuated their last foothold in the Aleutian chain.

Coque returned to the Central Pacific after the Kiska operation, arriving Pearl Harbor 26 September 1943. She departed with the fleet 3 days later for strikes on Wake Island, and operated with escort carriers during diversionary strikes designed to mask the Navy's real objective-the Gilberts. coque bombarded Makin during this assault 20 November, and with the invasion well underway arrived in convoy at Pearl Harbor 7 December 1943. From there, she returned to Oakland 21 December for amphibious exercises. Next on, the island road to Japan was the Marshall Islands, and coque sailed with Task Force 53 from San Diego 13 January 1944. She arrived 31 January off Kwajalein, screening transports in the reserve area, and through February carried out screening and patrol duties off Eniwetok and Majuro. Joining a battleship and carrier group, the ship moved to Mille Atoll 18 March, and took part in a devastating bombardment. coque also took part in the bombardment of Wotje 22 March.

The veteran ship next participated in the devastating raid on the great Japanese base at Truk 29-30 April, after which she arrived Majuro 4 May 1944. There she joined Rear Admiral Willis A. Lee's battleships for a thrust into the Marianas and the invasion of Saipan. coque bombarded Saipan 13 June, covered minesweeping operations with gunfire, and patrolled during the initial landing 15 June. Two days later DD-350 was detached and with other ships steamed out to join Rear Admiral Marc A. Mitscher's fast carriers as the Japanese made preparations to close the Marianas for a decisive naval battle. The great fleets approached each other 19 June for the biggest carrier engagement of the war, and as four large air raids hit the American dispositions fighter cover from the carriers of coque's Task Group 58.2 and surface fire decimated the Japanese planes. With an able assist from American submarines, Mitscher succeeded in sinking two Japanese carriers in addition to inflicting fatal losses on the Japanese naval air arm during "The Great Marianas Turkey Shoot". Hull's accurate antiaircraft fire, now considerably more formidable than the .50 cal. machine guns she used at Pearl Harbor just thirty months before, contributed to the "ring of steel" protecting the carriers from the wrath of the Japanese. Mitscher's forces so decimated the ranks of the Imperial Japanese Navy's aircrews that her carriers were never to effectively threaten the Allies again.

During July, the destroyer operated with carrier groups off Guam, and after the assault, 21 July patrolled off the island. In August she returned to Seattle, arriving the 25th, and underwent a yard refit that kept her in the States until 23 October. When she anchored at Pearl Harbor. coque was assigned to screen the Third Fleet refueling group which kept the fast carriers in the Central Pacific operational, departing 20 November 1944 to rendezvous with fast carrier striking forces in the Philippine Sea.

Suddenly, Hull's luck had changed. Fueling began 17 December, but increasingly heavy seas forced cancellation later that day. The refueling group became engulfed in the approaching typhoon Cobra next day, with barometers falling to very low levels and winds increasing above 90 knots. At about 1100 18 December coque became locked "in irons," in the trough of the mountainous sea and unable to steer. All hands worked feverishly to maintain integrity and keep the ship afloat during the heavy rolls, but finally, in the words of her commander, Lieutenant Commander J. A. Marks: "The ship remained over on her side at an angle of 80 degrees or more as the water flooded into her upper structures. I remained on the port wing of the bridge until the water flooded up to me, then I stepped off into the water as the ship rolled over on her way down."

The typhoon swallowed many of the survivors, but valiant rescue work by Tabberer (DD-418) and other ships of the fleet in the days that followed saved the lives of 7 officers and 55 enlisted men.

Hull received 10 battle stars for World War II service.

William J. Ruhe

Captain William J. Ruhe was born in Allentown, Pennsylvania in 1915, the son of Percy and Amy Ruhe. After his schooling in Allentown, he attended the University of Pittsburgh and the U. S. Naval Academy, graduating from the Naval Academy and commissioned an ensign in 1939.

Prior to World War II he served tours on USS Trenton CL-11 and USS Roe DD-418. After the start of the war he transitioned to the submarine service and made three combat patrols on USS S-37 and USS Sea Dragon SS-194 in the waters off Rabaul and Guadalcanal. Serving as executive officer on USS Crevalle SS-291, he made five combat patrols in the China Sea. He completed the war as the commanding officer of USS Sturgeon SS-187. For his wartime service he was awarded three Sil Captain William J. Ruhe was born in Allentown, Pennsylvania in 1915, the son of Percy and Amy Ruhe. After his schooling in Allentown, he attended the University of Pittsburgh and the U. S. Naval Academy, graduating from the Naval Academy and commissioned an ensign in 1939.

Prior to World War II he served tours on USS Trenton CL-11 and USS Roe DD-418. After the start of the war he transitioned to the submarine service and made three combat patrols on USS S-37 and USS Sea Dragon SS-194 in the waters off Rabaul and Guadalcanal. Serving as executive officer on USS Crevalle SS-291, he made five combat patrols in the China Sea. He completed the war as the commanding officer of USS Sturgeon SS-187. For his wartime service he was awarded three Silver Stars and the Navy Unit Commendation

During the Korean Conflict he commanded the USS Sea Devil SS-400, and in 1959 he was assigned as Commander of Submarine Division 22. He also served as commanding officer of the Naval Reserve Center in his hometown of Allentown, Pennsylvania.

Captain Ruhe came aboard USS Topeka CLG-8 as Commanding Officer in December, 1964 and served in that capacity until October, 1965.

After retirement he was employed by General Dynamics as Corporate Director of Marine Programs.

Captain Ruhe wrote two books about his naval service: War in the Boats: My WWII Submarine Battles, and Slow Dance to Pearl Harbor: A Tin Can Ensign in Prewar America. He also wrote the submariners song "Down,Down Underneath the Ocean".

He passed away at his home in McLean, Virginia on November 4, 2003.
. Suite

60 Pictures of Easy Company

The 506th, which is part of the U.S. Army’s 101st Airborne Division, was established in 1942 at Camp Toccoa, Georgia, and underwent extensive training under strict rules and regulations. The most physically challenging part of their training was the regular running of Currahee, a 1,735 ft (529 m) steep hill.

The hill itself became an unofficial symbol of the entire regiment, which adopted the nickname “Currahee,” and E Company also adopted the Cherokee word as its motto―We stand alone together.

Major Richard Winters Captain Lewis Nixon & Lieutenant Harry Welsh Austria 1945

While the “E” stands for “Easy,” these men were anything but, jumping into Normandy behind enemy lines as part of the 2nd Battalion hours before the invasion.

During Operation Overlord, E Company was part of the airborne invading force which was to secure the rear and provide cover until the Omaha and Utah beachheads were linked.

Among their most famous endeavors was taking and holding the town of Carentan―a crucial strategic point, without which the outcome of the Allied invasion could have taken a different turn.

General Anthony Clement “Nuts” McAuliffe

After the liberation of France, E Company was sent to assist the British forces around Eindhoven, as part of Operation Market Garden.

In late October 1944, they would play a key role in evacuating over 100 British soldiers who were trapped behind German lines near the village of Renkum, close to the town of Arnhem.

Richard Winters in Holland, October 1944

Their next stop was the winter offensive in December 1944 and January 1945 in Belgium. The men from Easy Company took part in the famous Battle of the Bulge, and fought under horrible winter conditions, suffering from a general lack of supplies and ammunition.

Some of their more notable actions from this period involved taking control of the Bois Jacques woods area, and the frustrating attack on the town of Foy, where they dealt with fierce resistance as well as the breakdown of the chain of command.

Easy Company near Foy

However, Foy was eventually captured from the enemy, as the German line in Bastogne fell apart. The figurative gates of Germany were finally open.

As the war was nearing its end, the company was assigned to occupation duties which included guarding Berchtesgaden, better known as Adolf Hitler’s famous Eagle’s Nest. E Company’s contribution to the fight was rewarded with patrol duties in mostly safe areas during the last few months of the war.

Although the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment is still in service as a training unit of the U.S. Army, the direct lineage of E Company is today inactive.

More photos

Richard Winters and Harry Welsh

Popeye Wynn and Hank Zimmerman

Burr Smith was killed by a direct mortar hit along with PENKALA near FOY

Joe Lesniewski Herbert M. Sobel Sr.

Staff Sergeant Myron N. “Mike” Ranney

Robert “Popeye” Wynn

George Luz and ‘Babe’ Heffron

David Webster

David Kenyon Webster

Floyd Talbert, unidentified soldier, Paul Rogers and Forrest Guth

Richard Winters (facing the camera in the back) teaching his soldiers to pack their parachutes. Skip Muck is the man on the right looking at the camera.

Richard Winters and Harry Welsh

William Dukeman Pat Christenson, Denver ‘Bull’ Randleman and Bill Dukeman

Joe Toye and Don Malarkey

Easy Company

Don Malarkey, Joe Toye and Skip Muck

Donald Hoobler

William J. “Wild Bill“ Guarnere

Joe Liebgott Earl McClung

Floyd Talbert Earl ‘One Lung’ McClung Don Malarkey and Floyd Talbert

Captain Richard D. Winters and Captain Lewis Nixon

Skip Muck and Chuck. Easy Company, 2nd Battalion, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division.

Lynn D. Campton, Easy Company

Easy Company members Joe Liebgott, Eugene Roe and Burton Christenson in Eindhoven, 1944.

101st Airborne Medic Eugene Roe, a member of Easy Company, Band of brothers.

Carwood Lipton

Frank Perconte

Left to right: Forrest Guth, Floyd Talbert, John Eubanks, unknown, Francis Mellet on D-Day

George Luz (1921-1998) Fought in Normandy, the Netherlands, and the Battle of Bulge. Luz is credited with keeping Easy Company morale up with his humor in dire times.

Smith, Muck, Malarkey, Randelmann, Serila, Sheehy, Burgess, Lowery, Grant, Cunningham, bain, Toye at Camp McKall

Easy Company’s David Kenyon Webster, author of “Parachute Infantry – An American Paratrooper’s Memoir of D-Day and the Fall of the Third Reich”

Forrest Guth and Floyd Talbert with locals on D-day morning

Albert Blithe at Camp Toccoa, Georgia, in 1942.

Eugene Roe

Forrest Guth (1921 2009) One of the original 140 men who trained under Sobel at Camp Toccoa. Guth had the ability to repair and modify weapons. For instance he could make an M-1 rifle fully automatic. He became the armorer for his comrades. Guth’s uniform was also unique Guth sewed many extra pockets on it. Guth fought in D-Day, the Netherlands, and the Battle of Bulge.

William ‘Wild Bill’ Guarnere

Colonel Robert Frederick Sink

Don Malarkey, left, with Burr Smith in Austria near war’s end.

Technical Sergeant Donald Malarkey

Major Richard Winters.

Staff Sergeant Darrell Powers

Private First Class Edward Heffron

Richard Winters at the end of training

Gordon Carson and Frank Perconte, Easy Company, 101st Airborne

Captain Herbert M. Sobel

Easy Company during Operation Market Garden

Brigadier General Anthony McAuliffe and his staff gathered inside Bastogne’s Heintz Barracks for Christmas dinner December 25th, 1944. This military barracks served as the Division Main Command Post during the siege of Bastogne, Belgium during World War II.

A. V. Roe and Company (Avro)

A. V. Roe and Company, better known simply as Avro, was one of the most famous of all British aircraft manufacturers, best known for the iconic Avro Lancaster bomber. Originally founded in 1910 by the aircraft pioneer Alliot Verdon Roe, by the time the Lancaster appeared the company was part of the Hawker Siddeley Group, while Roe himself had moved on to form Saunders-Roe Ltd.

A. V. Roe&rsquos interest in aircraft developed before the First World War. His first design was the Roe I Biplane of 1907, which lacked a powerful enough engine to take off without assistance, until one was loaned in 1908. On 8 June 1908 Roe successfully took to the air, although only for a series of short hops.

A. V.&rsquos brother H. V. Roe was himself a successful businessman, and owner of Everard and Company of Brownsfield Mills, Manchester. On 1 January 1910, with financial assistance from H. V., A. V. Roe and Company was founded. The fledgling company was given engineering space at Brownsfield Mills. The first aircraft produced by the new company was the Roe II Triplane, one of a series of early designs that culminated in the Avro 500 biplane of 1912, considered by Roe to be his first truly successful design. A. V. Roe was responsible for a number of &ldquofirsts&rdquo, amongst them the Avro Type F of 1912, the first aircraft to fly with an entirely enclosed cockpit.

All of these early aircraft were produced in very small numbers, but the Avro 504 would change that, with 8,340 built over two decades. A tiny number of these aircraft saw front line service during the First World War with the R.F.C, while the R.N.A.S. used the Avro 504 during its famous raid on the Zeppelin sheds at Freidrichshafen on 21 November 1914. Despite this its main claim to fame, and the reason so many were built, was that the Avro 504 became the standard training aircraft for the young R.A.F.

The interwar years saw the arrival of Roy Chadwick, later famous as the designer of the Lancaster, and the departure of A. V. Roe. In 1928 he sold the company to J. D. Siddeley, and Avro became part of the Armstrong Siddeley Development Company and a sister-firm of Armstrong Whitworth. Siddeley followed suit in 1935 when he sold out to Hawker, and Avro became part of the Hawker Siddeley Aircraft Group.

A large number of new designs were produced between the wars, with most produced in small numbers. The next major success was the Avro 621 Tutor, which replaced the Avro 605 in RAF service. This aircraft was designed in 1929, and remained in service throughout the Second World War.

The next major success for Avro was the Anson, of which over 11,000 were produced. Originally ordered as a coastal reconnaissance aircraft, the Anson was soon replaced in that role by the Lockheed Hudson, but went on to serve as a training aircraft.

The most famous of all Avro aircraft was the Lancaster. This was developed from the much less successful Avro Manchester, a very similar looking but twin engined aircraft, which was led down by the failure of the Rolls-Royce Vulture engine. The Lancaster saw the twin Vultures replaced by four much more reliable Merlin engines, producing one of the finest aircraft of the Second World War.

The design of the Lancaster was used as the basis for the Avro York transport aircraft, the Avro 691 Lancastrian passenger plane and the post-war Avro 694 Lincoln, originally designed for the Pacific war. The Lincoln was further modified to produce the Avro 696 Shackleton, a mainstay of Coastal Command after the war.

A dramatic change in design came with the Avro 698 Vulcan, the first large delta wing aircraft, and Avro&rsquos first military jet aircraft. Over the next decade the company produced a number of civil airlines, but the Avro name disappeared in July 1963 when the company became part of Hawker Siddeley Aviation.

Major Aircraft
Avro 504 trainer
Avro 549 Aldershot bomber, 1922-1926
Avro 555 Bison carrier reconnaissance and spotting aircraft, 1922-29
Avro 621 Tutor trainer, 1929-1936
Avro 636 Sea Tutor trainer, 1932
Avro 652 Anson maritime reconnaissance aircraft, 1933-1968
Avro 679 Manchester heavy bomber, 1939-1942
Avro 683 Lancaster heavy bomber, 1941-1960s
Avro 865 York transport, 1943-c.1960
Avro 694 Lincoln heavy bomber, 1945-55
Avro 696 Shackleton long range maritime reconnaissance, 1949-
Avro 698 Vulcan heavy bomber, 1952-

British Aircraft Manufacturers since 1908, Gunter Endres. A very useful reference book which provides brief histories of seventy five British aircraft manufacturers, ranging from famous names like Avro or Supermarine, to more obscure firms such as Slingsby Aviation of Kirkbymoorside. The publication date of 1995 means that this book covers the entire history of all but a handful of the main First and Second World War Companies.

Return on Equity (ROE)

Return on Equity (ROE) is the measure of a company&rsquos annual return ( net income Net Income Net Income is a key line item, not only in the income statement, but in all three core financial statements. While it is arrived at through ) divided by the value of its total shareholders&rsquo equity Stockholders Equity Stockholders Equity (also known as Shareholders Equity) is an account on a company's balance sheet that consists of share capital plus , expressed as a percentage (e.g., 12%). Alternatively, ROE can also be derived by dividing the firm&rsquos dividend growth rate by its earnings retention rate (1 &ndash dividend payout ratio Dividend Payout Ratio Dividend Payout Ratio is the amount of dividends paid to shareholders in relation to the total amount of net income generated by a company. Formula, example ).

Return on Equity is a two-part ratio in its derivation because it brings together the income statement and the balance sheet Balance Sheet The balance sheet is one of the three fundamental financial statements. These statements are key to both financial modeling and accounting , where net income or profit is compared to the shareholders&rsquo equity. The number represents the total return on equity capital and shows the firm&rsquos ability to turn equity investments into profits. To put it another way, it measures the profits made for each dollar from shareholders&rsquo equity.

Return on Equity Formula

The following is the ROE equation:

ROE = Net Income / Shareholders&rsquo Equity

ROE provides a simple metric for evaluating investment returns. By comparing a company&rsquos ROE to the industry&rsquos average, something may be pinpointed about the company&rsquos competitive advantage Competitive Advantage A competitive advantage is an attribute that enables a company to outperform its competitors. It allows a company to achieve superior margins . ROE may also provide insight into how the company management is using financing from equity to grow the business.

A sustainable and increasing ROE over time can mean a company is good at generating shareholder value Shareholder Value Shareholder value is the financial worth owners of a business receive for owning shares in the company. An increase in shareholder value is created because it knows how to reinvest its earnings wisely, so as to increase productivity and profits. In contrast, a declining ROE can mean that management is making poor decisions on reinvesting capital in unproductive assets.

ROE Formula Drivers

While the simple return on equity formula is net income divided by shareholder&rsquos equity, we can break it down further into additional drivers. As you can see in the diagram below, the return on equity formula is also a function of a firm&rsquos return on assets (ROA) Return on Assets & ROA Formula ROA Formula. Return on Assets (ROA) is a type of return on investment (ROI) metric that measures the profitability of a business in relation to its total assets. and the amount of financial leverage Financial Leverage Financial leverage refers to the amount of borrowed money used to purchase an asset with the expectation that the income from the new asset will exceed the cost of borrowing. it has. Both of these concepts will be discussed in more detail below.

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Why is ROE Important?

With net income in the numerator, Return on Equity (ROE) looks at the firm&rsquos bottom line to gauge overall profitability for the firm&rsquos owners and investors. Stockholders are at the bottom of the pecking order of a firm&rsquos capital structure Capital Structure Capital structure refers to the amount of debt and/or equity employed by a firm to fund its operations and finance its assets. A firm's capital structure , and the income returned to them is a useful measure that represents excess profits that remain after paying mandatory obligations and reinvesting in the business.

Why Use the Return on Equity Metric?

Simply put, with ROE, investors can see if they&rsquore getting a good return on their money, while a company can evaluate how efficiently they&rsquore utilizing the firm&rsquos equity. ROE must be compared to the historical ROE of the company and to the industry&rsquos ROE average &ndash it means little if merely looked at in isolation. Other financial ratios Financial Ratios Financial ratios are created with the use of numerical values taken from financial statements to gain meaningful information about a company can be looked at to get a more complete and informed picture of the company for evaluation purposes.

In order to satisfy investors, a company should be able to generate a higher ROE than the return available from a lower risk investment.

Effect of Leverage

A high ROE could mean a company is more successful in generating profit internally. However, it doesn&rsquot fully show the risk associated with that return. A company may rely heavily on debt Long Term Debt Long Term Debt (LTD) is any amount of outstanding debt a company holds that has a maturity of 12 months or longer. It is classified as a non-current liability on the company&rsquos balance sheet. The time to maturity for LTD can range anywhere from 12 months to 30+ years and the types of debt can include bonds, mortgages to generate a higher net profit, thereby boosting the ROE higher.

As an example, if a company has $150,000 in equity and $850,000 in debt, then the total capital employed is $1,000,000. This is the same number of total assets employed. At 5%, it will cost $42,000 to service that debt, annually. If the company manages to increase its profits before interest to a 12% return on capital employed (ROCE) Return on Capital Employed (ROCE) Return on Capital Employed (ROCE), a profitability ratio, measures how efficiently a company is using its capital to generate profits. The return on capital , the remaining profit after paying the interest is $78,000, which will increase equity by more than 50%, assuming the profit generated gets reinvested back. As we can see, the effect of debt is to magnify the return on equity.

The image below from CFI&rsquos Financial Analysis Course shows how leverage increases equity returns.

Drawbacks of ROE

The return on equity ratio can also be skewed by share buybacks Dividend vs Share Buyback/Repurchase Shareholders invest in publicly traded companies for capital appreciation and income. There are two main ways in which a company returns profits to its shareholders &ndash Cash Dividends and Share Buybacks. The reasons behind the strategic decision on dividend vs share buyback differ from company to company . When management repurchases its shares from the marketplace, this reduces the number of outstanding shares Weighted Average Shares Outstanding Weighted average shares outstanding refers to the number of shares of a company calculated after adjusting for changes in the share capital over a reporting period. The number of weighted average shares outstanding is used in calculating metrics such as Earnings per Share (EPS) on a company's financial statements . Thus, ROE increases as the denominator shrinks.

Another weakness is that some ROE ratios may exclude intangible assets from shareholders&rsquo equity. Intangible assets Intangible Assets According to the IFRS, intangible assets are identifiable, non-monetary assets without physical substance. Like all assets, intangible assets are non-monetary items such as goodwill Goodwill In accounting, goodwill is an intangible asset. The concept of goodwill comes into play when a company looking to acquire another company is , trademarks, copyrights, and patents. This can make calculations misleading and difficult to compare to other firms that have chosen to include intangible assets.

Finally, the ratio includes some variations on its composition, and there may be some disagreements between analysts. For example, the shareholders&rsquo equity can either be the beginning number, ending number, or the average of the two, while Net Income may be substituted for EBITDA EBITDA EBITDA or Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation, Amortization is a company's profits before any of these net deductions are made. EBITDA focuses on the operating decisions of a business because it looks at the business&rsquo profitability from core operations before the impact of capital structure. Formula, examples and EBIT EBIT Guide EBIT stands for Earnings Before Interest and Taxes and is one of the last subtotals in the income statement before net income. EBIT is also sometimes referred to as operating income and is called this because it's found by deducting all operating expenses (production and non-production costs) from sales revenue. , and can be adjusted or not for non-recurring items Non-Recurring Item In accounting, a non-recurring item is an infrequent or abnormal gain or loss that is reported in the company&rsquos financial statements. .

How to Use Return on Equity

Some industries tend to achieve higher ROEs than others, and therefore, ROE is most useful when comparing companies within the same industry. Cyclical industries tend to generate higher ROEs than defensive industries, which is due to the different risk characteristics attributable to them. A riskier firm will have a higher cost of capital and a higher cost of equity.

Furthermore, it is useful to compare a firm&rsquos ROE to its cost of equity Cost of Equity Cost of Equity is the rate of return a shareholder requires for investing in a business. The rate of return required is based on the level of risk associated with the investment . A firm that has earned a return on equity higher than its cost of equity has added value. The stock of a firm with a 20% ROE will generally cost twice as much as one with a 10% ROE (all else being equal).

The DuPont Formula

The DuPont formula DuPont Analysis In the 1920s, the management at DuPont Corporation developed a model called DuPont Analysis for a detailed assessment of the company&rsquos profitability breaks down ROE into three key components, all of which are helpful when thinking about a firm&rsquos profitability. ROE is equal to the product of a firm&rsquos net profit margin, asset turnover, and financial leverage:

/> DuPont Analysis In the 1920s, the management at DuPont Corporation developed a model called DuPont Analysis for a detailed assessment of the company&rsquos profitability

If the net profit margin increases over time, then the firm is managing its operating and financial expenses well and the ROE should also increase over time. If the asset turnover increases, the firm is utilizing its assets efficiently, generating more sales per dollar of assets owned. Lastly, if the firm&rsquos financial leverage increases, the firm can deploy the debt capital to magnify returns. DuPont analysis is covered in detail in CFI&rsquos Financial Analysis Fundamentals Course.

Video Explanation of Return on Equity

Below is a video explanation of the various drivers that contribute to a firm&rsquos return on equity. Learn how the formula works in this short tutorial, or check out the full Financial Analysis Course!

Caveats of Return on Equity

While debt financing can be used to boost ROE, it is important to keep in mind that overleveraging has a negative impact in the form of high interest payments and increased risk of default Debt Default A debt default happens when a borrower fails to pay his or her loan at the time it is due. The time a default happens varies, depending on the terms agreed upon by the creditor and the borrower. Some loans default after missing one payment, while others default only after three or more payments are missed. . The market may demand a higher cost of equity, putting pressure on the firm&rsquos valuation Valuation Principles The following are the key valuation principles that business owners who want to create value in their business must know. Business valuation involves the . While debt typically carries a lower cost than equity and offers the benefit of tax shields Tax Shield A Tax Shield is an allowable deduction from taxable income that results in a reduction of taxes owed.La valeur de ces boucliers dépend du taux d'imposition effectif de la société ou du particulier. Les dépenses courantes déductibles comprennent la dépréciation, l'amortissement, les versements hypothécaires et les intérêts débiteurs. La plus grande valeur est créée lorsqu'une entreprise trouve sa structure de capital optimale qui équilibre les risques et les avantages du levier financier.

De plus, il est important de garder à l'esprit que le ROE est un ratio et que l'entreprise peut prendre des mesures telles que des dépréciations d'actifs Dépréciation La dépréciation d'une immobilisation peut être décrite comme une diminution brutale de la juste valeur due à des dommages physiques, dans les lois existantes créant et rachetant des actions Rachat d'actions Un rachat d'actions fait référence au moment où la direction d'une entreprise publique décide de racheter des actions d'une entreprise qui étaient auparavant vendues au public. Une entreprise peut décider de racheter ses actions pour envoyer un signal au marché indiquant que le cours de ses actions est susceptible d'augmenter, pour gonfler les mesures financières exprimées par le nombre d'actions en circulation (par exemple, le bénéfice par action ou le BPA), ou simplement parce qu'elle souhaite augmenter son propre participation au capital de la société. augmenter artificiellement le ROE en diminuant les capitaux propres totaux des actionnaires (le dénominateur).

Ressources additionnelles

Ceci a été le guide de la FCI pour le rendement des capitaux propres, la formule de rendement des capitaux propres et les avantages/inconvénients de cette mesure financière. CFI est un fournisseur du Financial Modeling & Valuation Analyst (FMVA) et de la désignation commerciale Devenez un Certified Financial Modeling & Valuation Analyst (FMVA)® La certification Financial Modeling and Valuation Analyst (FMVA) de CFI vous aidera à acquérir la confiance dont vous avez besoin dans vos finances carrière. Inscrivez-vous aujourd'hui ! . Pour continuer à apprendre et à développer vos compétences d'analyste financier, consultez ces ressources supplémentaires précieuses de la FCI :

  • Retour sur les actifs (ROA) Retour sur les actifs et formule ROA Formule ROA. Le retour sur actifs (ROA) est un type de mesure du retour sur investissement (ROI) qui mesure la rentabilité d'une entreprise par rapport à son actif total.
  • Guide de l'EBITDA EBITDA L'EBITDA ou bénéfice avant intérêts, impôts, dépréciation et amortissement correspond aux bénéfices d'une entreprise avant toute déduction nette. L'EBITDA se concentre sur les décisions d'exploitation d'une entreprise car il examine la rentabilité de l'entreprise à partir des opérations de base avant l'impact de la structure du capital. Formule, exemples
  • Guide des flux de trésorerie Évaluation Guides d'évaluation gratuits pour apprendre les concepts les plus importants à votre rythme. Ces articles vous apprendront les meilleures pratiques d'évaluation d'entreprise et comment évaluer une entreprise à l'aide d'une analyse d'entreprise comparable, d'une modélisation des flux de trésorerie actualisés (DCF) et de transactions précédentes, telles qu'elles sont utilisées dans la banque d'investissement, la recherche sur les actions,
  • Meilleures pratiques de modélisation financière Guide de modélisation financière gratuit Ce guide de modélisation financière couvre les conseils et les meilleures pratiques d'Excel sur les hypothèses, les moteurs, les prévisions, la liaison des trois déclarations, l'analyse DCF, etc.

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